

Zion’s Confirmation Ministry is designed to offer classroom study, individual mentoring, parent participation, and so much more. Our confirmation program begins in the 6th grade and is completed in the fall of their 9th grade year with the Rite of Confirmation. Our classes are held weekly, September through May, with holiday breaks. Our curriculum covers The Lord’s Prayer, 10 Commandments, Apostle’s Creed, The Lord’s Supper, and mentoring units each year.

We also include service opportunities in acolyting, attending Confirmation Camp, 6th thru 8th grade Sunday school, and being a classroom helper in Sunday school during their 9th grade year. Our students utilize the Collaborate Lutheran Study Bible, which is given to them at the beginning of the 6th grade.

Download the Confirmation class enrollment form here.                                                                                                                                                          

Zion’s Sunday School program is offered September through May on Sunday mornings from 9:15am to 10:15am. Our Sunday school begins at age 3 with our preschool program and goes through the 5th grade. Our students also receive the Bible during their 2nd grade year. Our students also have other learning opportunities during the course of the Sunday school year by participating in service projects, singing during service, and participating in our music program. Every year our Sunday school offers a Christmas program as well.

Download the Sunday school enrollment form here.

Zion’s Vacation Bible School is offered every summer. It is a 4 day program- Monday through Thursday- that runs from 9am until 12pm. It is open to all those who are age 3 to the 5th grade. We utilize a different theme every year based off of the rotational model. We have such stations as games, arts and crafts, snacks, science, Bible blast, movie theater. Each station is staffed with an adult as well as a student helper who is in 6th grade and above. We also have music time at the beginning and end of each day and the youth show off their musical abilities by singing at our outdoor worship service at the Shawano County Park the Sunday after VBS.

Zion offers a First Communion class for all people wishing to participate in the Lord’s supper. The class is open to all baptized people 3rd grade and older. The curriculum focuses on the Biblical history of the Lord’s Supper, the reasons for our participation, as well as, experiencing the different components that are used in communion.