Health Ministry 

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Welcome to the Zion Lutheran Church Health Ministry. The Health Ministry Committee at Zion Lutheran has been blessed with support from the congregation.  This committee includes volunteers from the congregation.  The mission of the Health Ministry at Zion is “To share Christ with others through loving care, inspiration and encouragement” by working to promote wholeness of body, mind, and spirit in the congregation and the community, guided by the Biblical tradition of healing.

A common question is “what is a parish nurse?”  A parish nurse is an experienced nurse usually educated as a registered nurse.  Many parish nurses have attended a specialized continuing education course in parish nursing.  In this case, the preparation has been at Concordia University. The roles of the parish nurse serve several purposes: nurse educator, counselor, integrator of faith and spirituality, volunteer coordinator, nurse advocate, group support coordinator and referral agent.

Originally, in 1983 a hospital chaplain, Granger Westberg, experienced the need for nurses to assist in binding relationships with patients to fulfill a spiritual need for healing.  Nurses told him that between 30 and 50% of patients may not even need hospitalization if their symptoms would have been recognized earlier and also nurses believed if patients had the opportunity to coordinate spirituality with the healing process,  recoveries improved substantially.  Thus the beginning of the parish nurse philosophy.  Westberg knew that originally Christian churches were leaders in the health field, so why not incorporate nurses in that philosophy while still providing assistance in health education, prevention, and motivation for people to find ways to improve their health in present day healthcare?

The parish nurse encourages congregants to contact her in regard to health issues.  She works individually with the member and/or their families to try to find solutions to those healthcare needs.  The Health Ministry Committee is valued in finding ways to meet the needs of the congregation.  These needs are met by screenings, information, and services.  The needs are met by programs, events, individual opportunities, visitation, working with community resources and more.  Please enjoy reading about some of the events and programs Zion Lutheran’s Health Ministry offers.  These events will be updated periodically and we hope you participate in the events, freely seek out any assistance you may need, and let us know ways we can further reach out.  We’re here to serve.  God’s blessings be with you.

 Zion Lutheran's Health Ministry Programs and Events

 Health educational information is provided through the Zion Focus and in educational opportunities available for the congregation and community. The Parish Nurse has literature, resources, and provides some health education through her relationship with congregation members.


 Zion offers free blood pressure screenings monthly after/between weekend services. The blood pressures are taken by the Parish Nurse and other nurse volunteers. The blood pressure records will be kept on file at the church and are available for congregants to take to their health care providers as needed.